The Family Law Courts
have a clear principle that a Court should only hear an application to vary an
earlier Order if it is satisfied that there is some changed circumstance which
would justify such a serious step. This is known as the "rule in Rice
and Aspland".
The rule in Rice
and Asplund applies whether the earlier orders were made by consent of
the parties or after a contested hearing before the Court.
The principle
underpinning the rule in Rice and Asplund is that there should
be an end to litigation, that is the avoidance of endless litigation between
parents examining again and again the same issues and arrangements.
However, there are
instances where it is necessary for a Court to revisit earlier Orders. While
there is no exhaustive list of what constitutes a changed circumstance in
previous cases this has included psychological and physical changes in the
child, evidence of violence towards the child, a parent's recovery from former
mental health issues, a proposed relocation by one parent and a parent's new
stable relationship or marriage.
Should one parent bring an application to revisit earlier Orders and a Court be satisfied that there is a changed circumstance than the matter is considered again by the Court and new Orders may be made.