Sunday, 30 November 2014

White Ribbon Day: domestic violence and family law

On Tuesday 25 November events took place around Australia to mark White Ribbon Day. 

White Ribbon aims to raise awareness to end men's violence against women. White Ribbon Australia observes the International Day Of the Elimination of Violence against Women, known internationally as White Women Ribbon Day, annually on November 25.

As part of this years events 1233 ABC Newcastle interviewed Federal Circuit Court Judge Myers in relation to domestic violence cases and how they impact on children.

An article in relation to the interview can be found here:

In the interview Judge Myers said "family violence against women takes a multitude of different facets. It's not just simply someone punching a woman it's more than that; it's in overall control thing." His Honour also said you don't often see men come out and say [they're] a victim of domestic violence; it's out there…"

During the interview it was mentioned that there was 1449 domestic violence assaults reported in the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie area in the 12 months to March 2014. While those statistics relate to criminal matters (including Apprehended Domestic Violence orders) Judge Myers said the number of cases he sees in his Court is a reflection on the broader society.

Speaking about the impact of family violence in relation to family law matters His Honour said "we see a lot of parents come in [that are] probably separating too late, where really the relationship has been over for some period of time" … "I'm seeing a set of circumstances where children are growing up in a relationship in their household but they don't understand what it's like to have a 'normal' household they don't understand that it's unacceptable."

His Honour said "this isn't just something that's isolated in my court. What my court sees is simply a reflection of what is taking place in society."

1 comment:

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