Report of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence was tabled in the
Victorian Parliament on 30 March 2016.
Report contains 227 recommendations including:
- New laws to establish a Central Information Point to funnel information about perpetrators;
- Support and safety hubs throughout the State;
- A 'blitz' to rehouse women and children who have fled family violence;
- An immediate funding boost to services that support victims and a dedicated funding stream for preventing family violence – including an investment in respectful relationships education at schools and family violence training in key workforce's (such as hospitals and schools);
- An expanded investigative capacity for police – including a trial of body-worn cameras;
- More specialist family violence Courts that can deal with the criminal, civil and family law matters at the same time; and
- An independent Family Violence Agency to review government policy and action.
The Victorian government had promised to adopt the recommendations in the Report, prior to it's release. It will be of interest to see the roll out of the recommendations - not just in Victoria but as to whether other States follow Victoria's lead.